behind edda.

Edda is made for living.

edda is the social media derivative that connects you with your real and analog life.

But edda is no social network in the usual sense! edda is the tool that opens you the private and analog world. In edda you connect with other people in your city or anywhere else in the world via your favourite topics and interests.

You build real networks based on the real world, with your real interests and with other real people. When you do, it is easy to find exactly your people and to know your places even better than in reality. With edda you dive into the real life. It is build to support your real and analog life.

Bringing People together
Through digital communities, you can connect on any topic, anywhere. On edda, we talk to each other, not about each other.

Do it bedda together
Real Topics - Real Life
edda is about real people, with real needs, problems and interests. It's about real life, not a digital parallel world.

Real Life - no Fake Life
Focus on the user
edda was created because many networks do not support us, but actually harm the user. It should not be about the platform, but about the person. Edda places the user at the centre.

We are all users
The user is the algorithm
You decide what you want to see, who you want to connect with and where you want to drift. There are no hidden algorithms in edda, you decide what you want to discover.

You decide.
Intuitive network interface
We replace the familiar network surface with an intuitive map surface and connect all network content to a location in the real world. Let yourself drift and discover your own personal world.

It's all about real life.

We are all Users

edda wants to distance itself from the approach of other networks and wants to better meet the needs of the users. With edda we want to support you in your real and analog life. We want people with the same interests to be able to find and connect, both online and in the real world. We want the process of networking to support you in your real life. "Find your people with edda!"

edda doesn't lock you into an artificial world and edda doesn't want to bend you to fit into our world. We don't believe in fake profiles, filtered photos and discount codes. We are happy for you to be who you are.

edda stands for the real and analog life. It stands for real people, with real intersts, real needs, real problems and real passion. edda supports real communities, real networks, real contacts, real friends, real experiences and real adventures.
edda is for everyone who is also in love with the real life!
edda stands for a real and analog life. We want to support users in their real lives and also see ourselves as users. edda is by users, for users.

Want to find out more about edda and be part of the idea? Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date through our channels.

You want exclusive insights? Then become part of our BETA-Testing Teams and give us your feedback to realize edda together.

edda - the real life network is for everyone who is into real life!